SecretAds Terms of Service

By joining a Server Protected by us, you automatically accept all Terms of Service (ToS) by us. Please review these terms carefully.

Lifetime Service Definition

"Lifetime" refers to the duration of our service's active operation. While we strive to maintain continuous service, please be aware that our project may cease at any time.

Project Termination Without Refunds

We reserve the right to terminate the project at any time without issuing refunds. Users should consider this possibility before engaging with our service.

Termination of Service

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend our services in response to violations of our community guidelines or terms of service.

Changes to Terms

We reserve the right to modify or update these terms of service at any time. Customers will be notified of any changes. By joining our Discord server or using our Bot, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms of service. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our support team.

Stealing Product Ideas

You are prohibited from copying or recreating products planned or created by us. We reserve the right to initiate takedowns of any services, tool bots, or similar.

Discord Community Guidelines

Additionally, please adhere to Discord's Community Guidelines while using our service. Any violations may result in termination of your access.

Data Usage

We may collect and use data as outlined in our Privacy Policy. By using our service, you consent to such data usage practices.

Service Availability

We strive to maintain reliable service, but interruptions may occur. We are not liable for any damages resulting from service interruptions.

Contact Support